Cold-weather crops are plants that thrive in cooler temperatures, typically growing best in spring and fall. These crops can handle light frost. Here are some common cold-weather crops: 🌱Leafy Greens: Spinach Lettuce (e.g., romaine, butterhead) Kale Swiss chard Arugula Mustard greens 🌱Root Vegetables: Carrots Beets Radishes Turnips Parsnips 🌱Brassicas (Cabbage family): Broccoli Cauliflower Cabbage Brussels sprouts Kohlrabi 🌱Alliums: Onions (especially overwintering varieties) Leeks Shallots 🌱Peas: Sugar snap peas Snow peas 🌱Other Vegetables: Potatoes (especially early varieties) Fava beans Happy planting! gardening midwestgarden garden coldweathercrops coolweathercrops zone4garden zone4 trellisgarden planting raisedbedgarden
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