Comment “Lights” for a link to these amazing snake lights that are now connectable! You’ll also find on my light page, a link to videos that show you how to master the zig zag technique that you see here. It’s so fun and easy that you will never go around and around your tree again! Add these lights to a pre-lit tree for extra sparkle, create your own amazing light with an unlit tree, or replace your old lights on your favorite tree when they inevitably stop working. These lights are LED and last for many years! Pair these snake lights with cluster lights for the ultimate lighting recipe! Comment, reply, or DM the word “Lights” for link and info. # christmas christmaslights lights christmasdecor christmasdecorating holiday holidaydecor holidaylights christmastree Christmastime christmasdecorations christmastreedecorating christmasmood christmasspirit christmasvibes christmasmagic sparkle shinebright holidays holidaydecorating holidayseason holidayhome twinkle cluster snake LTKHoliday LTKSeasonal LTKHome