The most controversial thing I’ve ever said! 👇 Don’t go around and around your tree putting your lights on. Put them on top to bottom in a zig zag pattern. When I posted this tip a few years ago, I quickly realized people have some strong feelings about their Christmas lights and how they put them on their trees. Well, I said what I said. You should put your lights on your tree from top to bottom, not around and around your tree. It’s just that much easier! If you put your lights on any other way, I encourage you to give this a try! What do you think about this tip? Will you try it this year? Comment “Lights” for links to lights and “how to” videos. Christmas christmaslights lights Christmasdecor christmasdecorating holiday holidaydecor holidaylights christmastree Christmastime christmasdecorations christmastreedecorating christmasmood christmasspirit christmasvibes christmasmagic sparkle shinebright holidays holidaydecorating holidayseason holidayhome