Christmas ambiance always starts with the lights on the tree. Here I created the perfect ambiance in my living room. First, I lit my 10 foot tree with 5 strands of snake lights. Then I added more snake lights to my mantel garland. With my tree and mantel lit, I then added my Flameless candles and turned on the fireplace. This room was filled with Christmas joy. I loved sitting in here by the fireplace with my hot cocoa enjoying my lights. The new 2024 snake lights are also connectable and yes, they twinkle! Just comment “lights” and I’ll send you the links to shop these amazing snake lights. Want to see more of this Naturally Rutic Design? Comment “Designs” and I’ll send you a link to all of my favorite tree designs. Stay tuned to see how I combine snake and cluster lights on this very tree! Christmas christmaslights lights christmasdecor christmasdecorating holiday holidaydecor holidaylights christmastree Christmastime christmasdecorations christmastreedecorating christmasmood christmasspirit christmasvibes christmasmagic sparkle shinebright holidays holidaydecorating holidayseason holidayhome LTKSeasonal LTKHome LTKHoliday