Updated curly hair care routine
Hair care:
1. Wash hair 4x/wk. 3x w/ bounce curl pure silk moisturizing shampoo, 1x w/ k18 peptide prep. Condition with bounce curl conditioner. Use tangle teaser to brush while wet
2. Use microfiber hair wrap and let dry for 3 minutes. Then use a spray bottle filled with water to wet hair again until dripping.
3.Spray ends with of Ouai leave in conditioner
4. Use a generous amount of Ouai curl cream and rake throughout hair.
5. Run curl smith flexi gel evenly throughout hair and scrunch upward. Then lather Ouidad gel on hands and scrunch upward again.
6.Use a diffuser to dry hair and use hair dryer brush to style bangs. When dry use 2 pumps of Ouai Hair oil to break away the gel cast. Scrunching upward.