This is 39 (well almost)! I’m just sitting here tonight reflecting on my last night of being 38 and while this has been a tough year, it’s been a huge year for learning and growing. I’ve learned a lot about myself, my likes and dislikes and about the things that matter the most to me. I’ve learned to appreciate what I have while I have it and to wear my heart on my sleeve. I’ve learned to love hard on the people who mean the most to me while I have them because you just don’t know when the next time will be. I’ve learned to just embrace the phone and to answer it when it rings. I’ve learned that I loathe Monopoly (random I know, but a good takeaway) and that I love suppers at home with my family. Onto the next year of adventures that I pray will actually include a trip across the border 🇨🇦 and maybe some other fun travels with my favorite three humans. liketkit redsweater buttonflyjeans combatboots
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