New Lilly Pulitzer!This is the anniversary release and with that means +$$$ The caftan sold out online in size 16 within about 10 minutes ... This could very well be bc they didn't order many of them but as always the larger sizes always go first. This release is +400 -800 ish for the specialty dresses but there are still some around 200ish if you just want something. I look for a lot of people to wait for the sale and take their chances on the lower prices at a later date. A few notes from my end: This is the luggage GWP. These will resell on 2nd hand sites for over $500 just for the luggage alone. You also get multiple other gifts as well. Cashmere wrap, shoe zip pouch, crossbows bag, luggage tag... so... My 2 pennies for yall. If you wasn't things, get them and resell the GWP pieces to help cover the cost. There are a few PINK dresses in here that would be great for Kentucky Oaks and Derby. Happy Shopping! p.s. Thank you for shopping with me. When you shop with Me this funds me grabbing items to show yall in try ons (always). The money from this handle recycles for more try ons livinglargeinlilly resort365 lillylovers lillypulitzer LTKstyletip LTKplussize LTKwedding