I may be a little partial but isn't she the cutest?! She picked out some looks she wanted going into Spring for under the Christmas tree this year. I cannot convince her to size down into a S/5 she wants a M/6 .... how funny is that? Most people would love to size down in Lilly HAHAHAHA She loves going to the Lilly store and then asks for Lunch after. Originally I thought I was taking her somewhere else and then when she thought about Biscuit Belly being right next door she changed her mind.. and ended up eating her plates AND half of mine. She is definitely not a lillygirl I don't know a single "Lilly lover" that would dare go shop at Lilly Pulitzer and then go eat at Biscuit Belly. Thinking about all that made me realize how jaded it all really is. Be you. Do what you like. Wear what you like. Eat what you like. Enjoy life. The End LTKGiftGuide LTKkids LTKfamily