Follow me through a full day of literacy coaching, content creating, and trying to keep up with it all! Comment LINKS to some of the items from this reel- If you see anything that you would like leave it in the comments below, and I will send it to you. The material used for the small group lessons were from @helloliteracy. Whew, today was a full one! 😅 ✨ Started the morning modeling in a first-grade classroom ✨ Juggled emails, lesson prep, and a quick lunch ✨ Came home to an Amazon delivery (content creator life 👏) ✨ Wrapped it all up with a run while my husband handled dinner Somehow, I fit it all in—but let’s be real, I’m exhausted. Tired teacher OUT ✌️ I’ll be sharing more of the behind-the-scenes in my stories, including a peek at what I ordered and how I prep for classroom modeling days! 📩 Want me to send you any of the resources or links? Drop “LINKS ” in the comments, and I’ll DM them to you! TeacherLife 🍎 DayInTheLife 📚 BusyButBlessed ✨ TeacherGram 👩🏫 ContentCreatorMode 🎥 TeacherHustle 💼 WorkLifeBalance ⚖️ LTKOver40 LTKWorkwear LTKWatchNow