Would you be able to self-sustain for at least three days in case of an emergency? I don't want to be Debbie Downer here, but living in an earthquake and fire-prone California, the subject of emergency preparedness came up during one of our mom's lunches. None of us felt comfortable with the emergency kit we had assembled and some of us had no emergency supplies at all! According to www.ppic.org, only about 52% of Californians report having a disaster supplies kit ready should an emergency strike. When I recently re-examined my emergency storage box, I found onesies and baby formula. That would be great if my children weren't 6 and 12! Time for an update! To make it as easy as possible, I did the work for you! To download your printable checklist from www.ready.gov and shop the recommended supplies, head over to my Bio and click the link. Here are some of the recommended supplies (I linked the ones with *): -prescription medication & glasses -feminine & personal hygiene items & hand sanitizer -infant formula & diapers -change of clothing -pet food/pet waste bags/leash/water & food dish) -copies of all important family documents (insurance policy, ID, passports) -cash to tie you over until banks reopen -solar powered cell phone charger* -a water filtration system* -butane stove and extra butane refills* -sleeping bags & blankets -plenty of water and non-perishable items for at least three days -manual can opener -flashlight & extra batteries* -battery operated or hand-crank radio & batteries* -first aid kit* -waterproof tarp to make a temporary shelter* -whistle and flares to signal for help* -fire blanket & fire face mask for each family member* -fire extinguisher* -escape rope in case you have a house with a 2nd floor* -waterproof matches* -reusable dinnerware set including utensils* -paper & pencil -dust & medical masks -moist wipes, garbage bags -wrench or plier to turn off utilities -books, games, comfort stuffy for young children Let's get ready California! LTKdisasterprepardness LTKemergencykit LTKfiresafety LTKsafetyproducts LTKSafetykit