Now that our little guy is 10 weeks old, we’ve had plenty of time now to practice and refine our evening routine for what works for us…and it makes the evenings so much more enjoyable. ⬇️ Here’s generally what we do in the evenings and our must-have products… Last wake time for baby: we do a bottle, bath, massage, diaper change, pjs and sleep sack/swaddle, and a little playtime before he goes to sleep while being held. We’ll read books and once he’s out I trim his nails. 💅🏻 We’ll snuggle on the couch as a family and watch tv during his first sleep stretch…usually from 7ish-10ish. This gives us time together and time to enjoy our favorite shows…which on this night were St Denis Medical and Ghosts. 😂😂 Closing Shift- Then in between feedings, playtime, and sleeping for baby, I’ll do the following which I swear keeps the house afloat…. Load the dishwasher, run the machine Wash and sterilize nipples and pump parts Restock feeding station and prep next bottle & gripe water/clean and refill the Baby Brezza Clean up the kitchen/change out the trash Pack the diaper bag for next day if needed Restock the nursery (diapers, wipes, etc) Prep bedside nursery- set humidifier, place heating pad in bassinet to warm it baby 🥰, restock diaper and wipes, etc And just a general declutter around the house 10 p.m. bottle- change diaper in the dark, feed, burp, and back to sleep (no playtime) Around 1 am- final bottle in our room while we listen to stories on the Hatch before it switches over to brown noise for bedtime. Little one gets snuggles and then laid down in his bassinet to sleep. If we’re lucky ☘️, he’ll skip his 4 am feeding and sleep until 7am. But, this is a new development as of 8 or 9 weeks of age. Keep practicing and refining your routine, baby will learn what to expect (which is great cause they thrive on routine), you’ll be able to complete your tasks with your eyes closed (which may be a good thing 🙃), and it will get easier. 🙌🏻 Hang in there! You’ve got this. LTKBaby LTKFamily LTKBump