Sit down! Hold up! Sit down! There’s nothing like a good chair! Especially an office chair with everything going on. More and more people working from home and with my new home office...I was in need of an amazing chair! There’s 3 things I look for in a office chair: 🪑 Cushion - You have to feel like you are sitting on a pillow that you would lay your head on at night. Be picky about your chair’s comfort. It will either make or break your experience working from home. It’s made a difference for me since I got my chair. 🪑 Back Support - I have a terrible back and if my posture isn’t good I cannot work. Back support is key. I honestly never look at chairs with a lower back piece. 🪑 Movement - love a chair with wheels. So I can move. 🪑 Style - If you are massive into decor look for a chair that meets your style. My room is white and gold so I looked high and low for a white cushion chair and I found it. It blends in for what I was looking for. So always search for what you want. Don’t buy a chair and regret! So remember a office chair is part of your daily experience if you work from home. Shop similar look on my page. The actual chair is no link for unfortunately but here are similar ones! Click my page in my Bio. You can instantly shop all of my looks by following me on the shopping app. liketkit office homeoffice homeofficedecor homedecor officechair whitechair whiteandgold chair closetoffice pomsky puppy ighome igoffice officespace officedesignideas