✨SIZING•PRODUCT INFO✨ ⏺ Graphic Tee, Band Tank Top •• L •• TTS ⏺ White Bum Bag Fanny Pack Crossbody ⏺ Blue Sweater Skirt, Midi Length •• sized down to L for fitted look ⏺ Laser Cut White Sneakers, Tennis Shoes •• TTS leaning big 👋🏼 Thanks for stopping by! 📍Find me on Instagram••YouTube••TikTok ••Pinterest ||Jen the Realfluencer|| for style, fashion, beauty and…confidence! 🛍 🛒 HAPPY SHOPPING! 🤩 walmart walmartfinds walmartfind founditatwalmart walmart style walmartfashion walmartoutfit walmartlook graphic tee graphictee graphicteeoutfit tshirt graphictshirt t-shirt band bandtee graphicteelook graphicteestyle graphicteefashion graphicteeoutfitinspo graphicteeoutfitinspiration skirt skirtoutfit skirtoutfitinspo skirtoutfitinspiration skirtlook skirtstyle skirtfashion skirtworkwear skirtprofessional skirtoffice blue darkblue lightblue navy navyblue babyblue cobaltblue grayblue teal tealblue blueoutfit blueoutfitinspo bluestyle blueshirt bluepants blueoutfitinspiration outfitwithblue bluelook sneakersfashion sneakerfashion sneakersoutfit tennis shoes tennisshoes sneakerslook sneakeroutfit sneakerlook sneakerslook sneakersstyle sneakerstyle sneaker sneakers outfit inspo sneakersinspo sneakerinspo sneakerinspiration sneakersinspiration summer sunmerstyle summeroutfit summeroutfitidea summeroutfitinspo summeroutfitinspiration summerlook summerpick summerfashion under10 under20 under30 under40 under50 under60 under75 under100 affordable budget inexpensive size14 size16 size12 medium large extralarge xl curvy midsize blogger vlogger budget fashion, affordable fashion, budget style, affordable style, curvy style, curvy fashion, midsize style, midsize fashion LTKcurves LTKunder50 LTKstyletip