✨SIZING•PRODUCT INFO✨ ⏺ Pink Ribbed Tank •• L •• Runs Small •• Target ⏺ Lounge Gray Overalls with Wide Legs •• mine are from a boutique called Three Bird Nest (not on LTK), linked similar ⏺ Sparkles Sandal Slides •• linked similar ⏺ Gold & White Stone Marble Bracelet Stack •• Kinsley Armelle ⏺ White Marble Statement Ring •• Target ⏺ Pink Geometric Earrings •• SHEIN ⏺ Tshirt Bra •• TTS •• Third Love ⏺ Strapless Bra •• TTS •• Delamira ⏺ Light Shaping Short •• XL •• TTS •• Walmart 👋🏼 Thanks for stopping by! 📍Find me on Instagram••YouTube••TikTok ••Pinterest ||Jen the Realfluencer|| for style, fashion, beauty and…confidence! 🛍 🛒 HAPPY SHOPPING! 🤩 amazon amazonfind amazonfinds founditonamazon amazonstyle amazonfashion walmart walmartfinds walmartfind founditatwalmart walmart style walmartfashion walmartoutfit walmartlook target targetfinds founditattarget targetstyle targetfashion targetoutfit targetlook overalls overallsoutfit overallsoutfitinspo overallsoutfitinspiration overallslook summeroveralls springoveralls jumpsuit romper jumpsuitoutfit romperoutfit jumpsuitoutfitinspo romperoutfitinspo jumpsuitoutfitinspiration romperoutfitinspiration jumpsuitlook romperlook summerromper summerjumpsuit summer sunmerstyle summeroutfit summeroutfitidea summeroutfitinspo summeroutfitinspiration summerlook summerpick summerfashion sandals springsandals summersandals springshoes summershoes flipflops slides summerslides springslides slidesandals lounge loungewear loungeoutfit loungewearoitfit loungestyle loungewearstyle loungefashion loungewearfashion loungelook loungewearlook under10 under20 under30 under40 under50 under60 under75 under100 affordable budget inexpensive size14 size16 size12 medium large extralarge xl curvy midsize blogger vlogger budget fashion, affordable fashion, budget style, affordable style, curvy style, curvy fashion, midsize style, midsize fashion LTKcurves LTKunder50 LTKstyletip