Looking for a sign that it’s time to do some Spring cleaning? Here it is, BUT FIRST FOLLOW @homewithmrshomebody 👈🏽. I cleaned our bathroom this weekend and it was surprisingly therapeutic (a lot of work) but nonetheless, nice to get something done in a space I like to enjoy everyday. What’s on your spring cleaning checklist? Drop in the comments below 👇🏽. Don’t forget to like, save, share and shop my feed via the link in my bio. . . . . . cleaning cleaningmotivation cleanhome cleaningday housecleaning bath bathroom bathroomaccessories bathroomdecor bathroomdesign bathroomgoals bathroomideas bathroominspiration bathroominspo bathroominterior bathroomremodel bathroomrenovation bathroomsofinstagram bathroomstyle bathroomtiles contractor decor decoration homedesign interior interiordecor interiorstyling marble tile tiles LTKhome LTKfamily