As a mom of two boys and two big pups, I can get frustrated with our living space where we spend the bulk majority of our time together. My sofa has water ring stains from the thousands of times I have scrubbed chocolate milk or muddy paws out of it, and you can’t look too closely at my ottomans or you’ll find Cheeto fingers and mud there, too. If I’m not too careful, I can rob my family of the very things I prayed so hard for when I designed every detail of our home. I dreamt of these days where we would laugh and play together inside it, but sometimes I can forget why I built this space in the first place. Sure, it’d be nice to have a new sofa that’s easier to clean or magical boys who don’t track the dirt in from their adventures. But at the end of the day, if I truly want a loved space for my family… it’s gonna show it. If I want a loved home, I have to value it more than a perfect home. Just a reminder for me today, and maybe for you, too. 🤟🏻 I was so shocked yesterday by the percentage of you who are here for home design 🤯 I almost feel inadequate but also love it so much. I am curious if you found me while building my home or if you’ve just always been around here and grew to like that side of this space as I did? Let me know below! Xoxo LTKstyletip LTKunder100 LTKhome