Last night was so special!! Though distraction has been somewhat healing, I’ve been taking a step back from public appearances. But when I was asked to come onto WWHL with my mom in audience to support breast cancer awareness month, knowing everyone in the audience would be a survivor, I was honored to wear pink and support 💕. Thank you for having me @bravowwhl @bravoandy @bravotv . Oh and I think I’m obsessed with you @jakeshears and your spooky ghost stories 🤣👻😘
Thank you mama @dorothy_somekh for coming, for sharing your story, for being so brave. You are truly incredible. Thank you to my amazing team @avagoodstein @sydnieweiss @charlotteroses @sophiav_makeup @jas_ana ❤️. You girls keep me grounded. I appreciate you more than you know !!
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