Every year, my mom throws a Halloween party for all of the grandkids and this year I was put in charge of making the party favors! I decided to do Halloween stacks that included a Halloween themed book, a pair of Halloween pajamas, Halloween craft, a case of candy, a Halloween pet and a Halloween flag! The grandkids are a wide range of ages from a newborn all the way up to an 11 year old. The stacks worked great because I could customize each of them to be age friendly based off of each kid’s age! I think they turned out so cute and I can’t wait to see the kids reactions when they get them 👻 | Halloween party, boo basket, Halloween party favor, kid Halloween find | partyfavors halloween halloweenkids halloween trickortreat halloweenparty halloweenkidsparty happyhalloween halloweendecor spookyseason halloweenfun kidshalloween halloweenideas ltkseasonal halloweenstack LTKKids LTKSeasonal LTKFamily