⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The God of the Woods by Liz Moore Thank you @prhaudio for the gifted copy and @jordys.book.club for the recommendation! This one is all the rage this summer and rightfully so. I think it has a little something for everyone - past (1970s)/present transitions, mystery, complicated family dynamics, and rich people behaving poorly. Overall, I really liked this one, especially on audiobook. The narrator was engaging and really sucked me into the story. I was nervous that I’d be confused with the timeline transitions, but it wasn’t an issue. Also, the setting - loved it. So atmospheric and perfect for summertime reading! I will say - it was hard to keep the characters straight at times. Is this one on your radar? thegodofthewoods lizmoore prhaudio bookreview bookrecommendations bookrecs jordysbookclub familysaga 2024reads bibliophile bookworm bookish booksbooksbooks bookobsessed mysterybooks policeprocedural booksparks botwxbs readingisfun


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The God of the Woods
            A Novel
          by Liz Moore


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