⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Head Cases by John McMahon Head Cases follows a group of FBI agents with unique skills who solve tough cases that no one else can. Someone is killing other serial killers (🤯), and this group is tasked with finding them. Overall, I really liked this one. I’ll never say no to a book about serial killers, and this was a fast-paced read that kept me engaged. I loved the PAR unit members and their mysterious backstories. Head Cases reminded me a lot of Criminal Minds, but if the team was lead by Dr. Spencer Reid (which is a huge compliment BTW). This book comes out on January 28 - definitely recommend checking it out! (Thank you @minotaur_books for the gifted copy) FYI - I took this photo in Phoenix and finally have a chance to use it 🤣 Is this one on your radar? bookreview headcases johnmcmahon minotaurbooks bookrec bookrecommendations bookreviewer bookreader thrillerthursday readcrimefiction bookobsessed bookworm criminalminds LTKFindsUnder50


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