Two things can be true at once. You can be comfortable and chic at the same time. I did mean what I said. There are days where all I want is to wear sweatpants and be comfy. But I do still like to look put together, especially if I am going out. So here are a few tips that I use for myself to get a put-together, yet casual look: ✨Fit. This is really where you want to start. While it’s tempting to wear that huge oversized sweatshirt, it really won’t do you any favors. You may think that baggy pieces are good to hide parts you want to cover, they inevitably will make you look larger. Look for pieces that are slightly fitted, but give you room to move. ✨Don’t forget the accessories: Add accessories like jewelry, a scarf or even a belt. A great coordinating handbag will also pull the look together. I added the belt in the third outfit to give it a finished look. You’ll notice that I am wearing jewelry with everything also. It makes what you are wearing look planned and intentional and ultimately chic. ✨Bring in color: A natural inclination is to go with all black (and I can be guilty of this too), but adding color, even in other neutrals like navy, tan and olive will give you outfit a little more interest. ✨Keep it clean: While that comfy shirt with the pizza stain is so convenient, let’s pass on that. Putting on something new and fresh will make you feel great. The same goes for your shoes. Wearing shoes that are clean and polished will make you look put-together in an instant. Put all these four tips together and you will be the most chic woman around running errands. LTKActive LTKOver40 LTKStyleTip