I hope I’m not over sharing the vision boards... but I put the one together for my youngest sons nursery and I’m just so excited about it! The background is a peel and stick wallpaper from @wallshoppe that I plan to use on the crib and side wall, the VW is custom artwork commissioned from my sister in law @jlrobertsart, and this Pray For Surf tapestry gets me every time! Hang ten surf babe 🏄♀ . . . I’m also linking the white dresser I plan to incorporate and then swap out the knobs for these cool leather pulls! And an alternative light fixture I’ll probably end up with because the Ombré one is sooooo amazing but a little out of my budget 😃 . . . Follow me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app to get the product details for this look and others! http://liketk.it/2UxTh liketkit LTKfamily LTKhome @liketoknow.it.family @liketoknow.it.home @liketoknow.it