Easy and affordable way to make your home more luxe? Candles and accent lighting! 🙌🏼 These 2 things give your home a nice glow, that make it seem more high end & cozy. The accent lighting I use for my plants was so affordable on Amazon! & the best part about using candles is they not only give your home that soft warm glow, but they make it smell amazing too! ✨ ✨Follow @corcoran.designs for more modern, home decor style tips🤍 ✨Like and save this post for modern, minimalist home design inspo! Accent lighting Candle glow Cozy home Modern home Neutral home Home Organization Interior design Home decor finds Budget friendly Organic modern Home decor Home inspiration Organic home Minimalist home accentlighting mirrorlight mirrorlights candlelight Modernhomeinspo neutralhomedecor Interiordesignideas homedecortips homedecoridea homestylingtips homedecoronabudget Homedecorfinds homeorganization Budgetfriendlyhomedecor candleglow Organicmodernhome organizationideas organizationtips modernHomeinspiration Organichomestyling Minimalisthomeideas LTKVideo LTKhome LTKstyletip