Nike or Adidas? For some reason I've always been partial to Adidas. Not that I have anything against Nike - I have clothes from them and like them just fine. As an over all brand though, I've always gravitated towards Adidas. ■ I've linked this $25 Amazon dress in my Amazon storefront. It comes in over 20 colors/prints and is a comfortable length! (Not too short) ■ Happy *almost* Friday everyone! liketkit founditonamazon amazoninfluencerprogram amazondress ♡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . smalltownstyle budgetfriendlyfashion budgetstyle styleonabudget budgetfashionista amazonfinds primefind primefashion amazonfashion primefindsunder25 primefinds amazonfind amazoninfluencer adidasshelltoes adidasoriginals casuallook cuteandcomfy cuteandcasual everydaylook ltkunder50 reallifeandstyle affordableclothes affordableoutfitideas