Baby girl is 5 weeks tomorrow! Weighed 6lbs 4oz and 18inches at 4 weeks.
While I can’t believe it’s already been a month I’m so glad we’re past those first few weeks! Those first 2 weeks were sooo rough with c section pain and figuring out pumping and nursing.
Baby girl is hitting all her milestones at her preemie age and not even adjusted age. We are still in preemie clothes and cannot wait for the next size that we actually bought clothes for! 😅 baby girl came early so the preemie outfits were all last minute finds after she got here.
She found her thumb for the first time today 🥹 awake quite a bit more, loves to be held 24/7, does not like the bassinet, completely unbothered by kisses, and head rubs and contact naps are her favorite 🩷
We have gone through almost 8 packs (800 wipes) of wipes, and about 300 diapers 🤩.
She’s eating so much and growing like a champ. We love you so much baby girl! 💗💗
baby 1stmonthbirthday 1stmonth 1monthold familyislove