I love switching up the art on my @samsung FrameTV for the seasons. This one is inspiring me to get my backyard in order so that I can sit and read outside surrounded by blooms. I’ve compiled a group of my favorite TV art finds from @etsy (link in stories!). samsungframetv seasonalart decotvframes easterstyling springhomestyling springhome seasonalhomestyle easterdecor easterideas manteldecor springmanteldecor mantelstyling vintagestyle howivintage howihome vintagehomecrush itsacolorfullifetour traditionalwithatwist prettlelittleinteriors decorcrushing mysouthernliving grandmillennial grandmillennialdecor traditionalhome stylingtheseasons cottagestyle cottagehome collectedhome thecollectedlook Easter LTKSeasonal LTKhome