I hosted a few of my workfrands (the Bright Key Coordinators) for a little Christmas gathering last week and put together this adorable charcuter-tree a la @ainttooproudtomeg! I used my mom’s crystal tree serving platter instead of putting it on a board, and it turned out super cute. I’ll share Meg’s Reel in my stories so that you can make one, too, for a future holiday gathering! It’s super easy to do and looks incredibly impressive. charcuterieboard charcutertree ainttooproudtomeg cheeseboard hospitality christmashospitality southernhospitality johnsonbrothers oldbritaincastleschristmas grandmillennial grandmillennialhomedecor grandmillennialchristmas grandmillenial howivintage howichristmas myvintagehome vintagechristmas vintageholiday dailydoseofchristmas hostingideas christmasideas mycollectedhome collectedchristmas collectedhome christmastree LTKHoliday LTKSeasonal