The Christmas decor is slowly starting to come down, and the house rearranged to be a cozy, winter escape. Although we don’t have much cold here in South Alabama, today has been mighty wintry! North and Central Alabama even had snow (ifonly). My Rose of Dawn camellias are blooming much earlier this year than normal so I had to snip while the snipping is good. camellias cozyseason coldweather winternights comfycozy candelight myseasonalstyling cardinals coffeetablestyling seasonsofhome chinoiserie chinoiseriechic blueandwhite blueandwhiteforever toletray myballardstyle grandmillennial grandmillenial grandmillennialhome freshtraditional traditionalisclassic traditionalwithatwist myvintagehome howivintage collectedhomemoreismoredecor cottagestyle LTKSeasonal LTKhome