I put my Shiny Brite tree in the picture window this year. I love it here! It makes it kind of hard to get a good picture of it, but oh well. Y’all know that I love using things that belonged to my grandmothers and mama in my hone decor, and that is no different at Christmas time. The ornaments on this tree are vintage Shiny Brites that belonged to Mema - my daddy’s mother. The topper was hers as well! The tree is the Frosted Alpine for from @BalsamHill, and I started putting it in a large blue and white planter last year. It’s so perfect! christmasdecor chinoiseriechristmas chinoiseriechic chinoiserie blueandwhitehome blueandwhiteforever blueandwhitechristmas holidaydecor collectdhome vintageshinybrite shinybrite shinybriteornaments howivintage myvintagehome stylingtheseasons stylingchristmas grandmillennialchristmas grandmillennialdecor howihome collectedhome mycolorfulhometour mycollectedhome heirloom heirloomhomedecor heirloominteriorsandevents LTKHoliday LTKhome LTKSeasonal