It's the 12thdayofchristmas! All the Christmas decor will come down over the next few days. So in honor of Ephiphany today, here's one last look at my nativity. I'm always sad to take the decor down but happy to have the house more organized and "back to normal." epiphany asaviortoallpeople nativity nativityscene moreismoredecor christmas christmasdecor christmaslivingroom christmascleanup christmaspackup myvintagehome howivintage vintagedecor collectedhome moreismoredecor grandmillennial grandmillenial grandmillennialchristmas blueandwhiteforever blueandwhitehome myseasonalstyling seasonsofhome vintagetravelplates platewall gallerywall souvenirplates travelplates vintageplates LTKSeasonal
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