Decided to zchuzh up the kitchen for spring and Easter! I love to make this area both pretty and practical. I have almost everything I need in arms-length…olive oil, salt, pepper, truffle salt, Herbs de Provence (my fave herb blend) and my utensils. But it’s pretty and makes cooking dinner more fun! prettyandpractical springdecor easterkitchendecor easterkitchen springkitchen easterdecor kitchendecor abovetherange stilllife vintagestilllife chinoiseriechicstyle cabbageware traditionalwithatwist adwellingtoremember bordallopinheiro blueandwhite myblueandwhitestyle howiblueandwhite collectedhome traditionalhome howivintage vintage seasonsofhome thecollectedlook chinoiseriechic grandmillennial grandmillennialhomedecor moreismoredecor LTKSeasonal Easter