This little built-in got a spring update! Bordallo Pinheiro bunny plates and bowls, a Temple Garden platter by Hara Fine China, my Mama’s Fitz & Floyd Bunny Pitcher and a vintage wicker picnic basket. I love it! A lot of the items in this picture belonged to my mom or one of my grandmothers. Makes my heart smile. builtins shelfie bordallopinheiro templegardendishe majolica fitzandfloyd easterdecor springdecor myvintagecottagestyle cottagestyle collectioins traditionalwithatwist itsacolorfullifetour mycolorfulhome thecollectedlook collectedhome vintagehomestyle myvintagehome grandmillennial mytraditionalhome vvintagehomedecor howivintage heirloom fenton vintagemodernmix livingwithantiques dailydecordetail seasonsofhome Easter LTKhome LTKSeasonal