Last weekend I made these pomanders and put them all around the house. I am so glad I decided to do this! The mix of citrus, cloves and random bits of fresh Fraser fir I have sprinkled around the house to combine to make the most wonderfully intoxicating Christmas smell! pomanders orangeandcloves smellslikechristmas avictorianchristmas naturalelements naturalelementsforchristmas christmastimeishere christmasdecor thesmellsofchristmas christmasnostalgia stylingtheseasons stylingchristmas myseasonalstyling grandmillennial grandmillenial grandmillennialchristmas howichristmas dailydoseofchristmas traditionalchristmas freshtraditional spode pewter vintagepewter myvintagehome howivintage LTKHoliday LTKSeasonal LTKhome
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