Sister girl loves to cozy up on the very top of a pillow, and lately she's been partial to this one in my $15 granny chic Marketplace chair. I think she likes to sit next to my grandma's vintage @cocacola Santa. He's missing his belt and the Coke bottle in his hand is a little worse for wear, but having this little guy in my home reminds me of all the Christmases I spent playing with him at my grandparents' house. nostalgia memoriesofchristmaspast vintagecocacolasanta vintagesanta howivintage cocacolasanta sentimentalattachments heirlooms vintageholiday vintagechristmas collectedhome collections grannyfloral grannychic grandmillennial grandmillennialchristmas grandmillennialhomedecor grandmillenial mycollectedhome howichristmas marketplacefinds dailydoseofchristmas LTKHoliday LTKSeasonal