Empowering women over 40 who've overcome domestic violence, teenage motherhood, and now embrace the beauty of motherhood, crystals, plants, boho style, and football. 💪 Join me on this journey of self-love, and discover the transformative power of LYS™ Beauty, a clean Sephora brand that is black owned, as well as vegan, that celebrates every unique definition of beauty. Let's redefine beauty together. 🌿⚽💄 Empower40Plus Survivor LYSBeauty CleanBeauty SephoraClean BlackOwned SelfLoveJourney Empowerment BohoStyle CrystalLover ToddlerMom BeautyRedefined sephora sephorasale lysbeauty LTKbeauty LTKHolidaySale LTKsalealert
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