Need help finding a gift for dad? Enter - Wick! Gift dad luxury design with this modern twist on candlelight. It’s the perfect cozy addition to any space or tagalong for any adventure! Use discount code: WALNUT10 for 10% off at checkout! @greypants takes pride in the Wick’s ability to be both an adventure companion and an ambiance creator! In addition to its sleek silhouette, the Wick offers convenience and comfort with 4 soft light settings. One setting even mimics an authentic candle flicker. The full range includes standard (Wick) and small wick (Wick S) sizes. I’ve linked the full range of finishes. Because it’s rechargeable, Wick makes a great camping or picnic companion, keeping its charge for up to 100 hours depending on the settings used. Since the light is LED, Wick offers modern ease of use and safety, and yet Wick still emulates nature, with its glowy warm ambiance. @graypants graypants wickpic ad sponsored @Shop.LTK modernhome moderndecor homedecor neutralhome fathersdaygift liketkit LTKhome LTKGiftGuide